Once unzipped, right-click the font file and click Install for all users. WOFF2: These versions are provided for the purposes of web use, and are available both as variable fonts, and static instances.At this time we do not have a variable font OTF version. otf static: for users who prefer OTF format fonts, otf static instances are provided.However, please note they do not have the same degree of hinting quality as the variable font versions. ttf static: in the rare situation where the above variable font version is not supported, or a singular weight is preferred to the entire range, static formats are supplied.It offers the greatest diversity of weight options (anything from 200-700). ttf variable: we recommend this version for all users, and particularly those on Windows or any other OS that employs TrueType hinting.You can download the latest version of Cascadia Code from the releases page here: Font formats: If you're using an environment that does not support the ss01 OT feature, one option to consider is opentype-feature-freezer.